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Tax information

Macquarie Infrastructure Holdings, LLC today announced that its 2021 Schedule K-3 reflecting items of international tax relevance is available online. Unitholders requiring this information may access their Schedules K-3 at

A limited number of unitholders (primarily foreign unitholders, unitholders computing a foreign tax credit on their tax return and certain corporate and/or partnership unitholders) may need the detailed information disclosed on Schedule K-3 for their specific reporting requirements.  To the extent Schedule K-3 is applicable to your federal income tax return filing needs, we encourage you to review the information contained on this form and refer to the appropriate federal laws and guidance or consult with your tax advisor. 

To receive an electronic copy of the Schedule K-3 via email, unitholders may call Tax Package Support at (833) 343-2028.

The distribution declared on September 23, 2021, and to be paid on October 7, 2021, will be treated as a partnership distribution. For recipients of the  distribution that were holders of NYSE:MIC shares on or before September 22, 2021, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, the per unit distribution components are as follows:

  • U.S. Source Dividend Income: $1.79 
  • Gross Short-term or Long-term Capital Gain or Loss: $35.596817
  • Total Distribution Per Share: $37.386817

For further information, please see the Qualified Notice Pursuant to U.S. Treasury Regulation 1.1446-4

MIC will generate two tax reporting items for calendar year 2021.

Information pertaining to the distribution made by Macquarie Infrastructure Holdings, LLC in October 2021 is available on Schedule K-1. Schedule K-1 documents are downloadable from a portal managed by Price Waterhouse Coopers (“PwC”), preparers of the Schedule K-1s. A link to the PwC portal is available on this Tax Information page under '2021 Schedule K-1 for MIH'. Hard copies have also been mailed to registered holders. 

Information pertaining to the Special Dividend paid by Macquarie Infrastructure Corporation in January 2021 was distributed to the brokerage community at the end of January 2022 for reporting on Form 1099. If you were an MIC shareholder you will have received a Form 1099-DIV containing this information from your broker or custodian, not from MIC. The IRS Form 8937 noting the breakdown of the distribution between dividend and return of capital in 2021 (and any prior year in which a portion of the distribution was characterized as a return of capital) is available on this Tax Information page under ‘Form 8937 Archive’.

Be sure that any 1099-DIV you received was final and not an estimate before preparing an income tax return. Contact your broker if you are uncertain. Distributions from MIC may have been reported to you as part of a consolidated 1099-DIV incorporating distributions from other investments in your account.

MIC has no information concerning any investors’ shareholdings and cannot answer questions regarding distribution amounts, purchase or sale dates, cost basis or the tax treatment of any distribution or sales proceeds. Contact your broker or custodian or qualified tax advisor with any such questions.

View MIC's quarterly distributions

As of January 1, 2007, MIC made an election to be treated as a corporation for income tax purposes. Prior to that date MIC had been treated as a partnership for tax purposes. If you acquired shares in MIC prior to January 1, 2007 your basis in the shares you held on that date can be determined using the rules for determining basis in a partnership.

Your basis in shares purchased prior to January 1, 2007 is further reduced by any return of capital distributions you may have received after that date.

The information provided herein is of a general nature only and does not take into account any person’s tax objectives, situation or needs – it does not constitute legal or tax advice nor should it be relied on as such. This information cannot and does not address all of the taxation issues that may be relevant to a shareholder. It is recommended that all persons obtain their own taxation advice regarding any current or potential investments in MIC. Each shareholder takes full and sole responsibility for any investment in MIC and the associated taxation implications arising from that investment including any changes in those taxation implications over time. Shareholders should consult with their own independent tax advisors for relevant tax advice.

Please click here to access your Schedule K-1 for Macquarie Infrastructure Holdings, LLC. 

You will be redirected to a page where you will be required to set up an account to obtain your documentation. Hard copies will also be sent to registered holders. 

Your basis in any MIC LLC interests or MIC stock (“shares”) acquired on or after January 1, 2007 will be the cost of those shares (assuming you purchased the shares and did not acquire them as a gift or inheritance), reduced by any return of capital distributions you received.

Contact MIC Investor Relations